Are you wasting money on print? For many companies, print is essential, but it can also be costly because it is often untracked. If there are any leaks in your system, your money could be flowing right down the drain. The Swenson Group can help you understand where the leaks are and how to fix them in a variety of ways.
- Analyze your print environment – The first step we will take is to perform an analysis of your current print environment to learn what printers you have and how you’re using them. This will help us to develop a plan to reduce your costs and maximize your efficiency.
- Consolidate printers and consider placement – Two costly printer errors are the misuse of local printers and poor printer placement. Printers that only service one or a few users are an inefficient use of space and money. Most companies are better served by fewer printers, placed strategically in the office space. This will improve accessibility and efficiency. We will also advise you about upgrading printers that are older, less efficient, or not being utilized effectively.
- Automated supply delivery – Ad-hoc printer supply ordering can lead to unnecessary spending. If you forget to order toner and run out, you could be looking at printer downtime, grinding business to a halt. If you over-order, you have to store the excess and it may expire before being used. With automated supply delivery, your toner will arrive just in time, based on your printer usage.
- Improved technology – Whatever your goals, TSG can help you realize them. From taking advantage of automated workflows, to remote printing, to improved security, we can guide you on what products to buy and how to use them. We can also provide employee training, ensuring everyone is using best practices to fully optimize your print environment, reduce waste, and reduce costs.
Print is an essential cost for many businesses, much as water is necessary for many homes. However, just as a leaky faucet can drive up your water bill, a leak in your print expenses can quickly add up. Ask us about our Managed Print Services – here at TSG, we can help you get a handle on these costs and eliminate any leaks in your print environment!
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